Sunday, November 12, 2017

बिर्तामोड गोली कान्ड | बिर्तामोडमा गोलि चल्न यसरि सुरु | Birtamode Goli kanda (3 Dead) Live Footage

Monday, October 9, 2017

10 Weird Things Most Girls Secretly Do When They’re Alone

How many people do strange things when you are alone? If you do not do that, then when these girls are alone, naked, some of them will secretly do some very strange things. I think this is why many girls do not go to date because they have a better secret to do something. They do not mind doing these strange things alone and naked. So we will reveal some of these strange things, the girls are lonely at home, completely naked.
Here is the list of thing girl do when they are alone or get bored at home.
1. Dancing to the fate of the child and checking yourself in the mirror to see how good their actions are.

2. Pretending to be a stripper in the mirror, to see how hot they seem, and whether they can take it out.

3. Lying on the ground, stretching his legs, showing nude DIY yoga posture.

4. Check the size of the vagina in the mirror to make sure the flaps and the inside are working properly.

5. Let the breasts fall again, wondering if they had been drooping since last year.

6. By staring at every wrinkle and flaws for a few hours, feel anxious about aging.

7. Enjoy watching their nipples from warm to cold, by secretly confused.

Not all girls are made of sugar and spices, everything is fine. We have already believed that women are subtle flowers that need to be handled with great care. Female species should not have bad or lazy days. Everything must be perfect. This may be the reason why women are silent when they refuse to do something when they love others. No one needs to know that everyone likes and does not like a person there. You will not reveal your life in good or bad, ugly, so women do not need to do so.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

What is Gems Kanda? आखिर के हो त Gems काण्ड ??? Gems Kanda !!

This is the screenshot of that video.

These words are from the admin of one of the troll page.

Gems Kanda
-->Two kids make that video while having sex knowing the consequences that if the video got leaked then they will be in a big trouble and sadly the video go viral on the internet. The video got leaked due to their carelessness and before that who said them to make sex video while having sex? Making a video while having sex doesn't give more pleasure. Okay, they made their sex video that's none of our business but they could have kept the video securely? There were many vault apps in which they could keep their video securely. The video got leaked due to their fault and here come the people who make it viral. The could have watched them only. Who said them to share that video? They should have kept the video secretly and here come the people who watched it. Who said them to watch the video? They watched the video masturbated. And lastly, here we come the troller gang, the couples made the video, the people shared the video, the people watched the video and masturbated and when we trolled it they are blaming us for everything that happened.
What the hell?
Why blame us, we are trollers dude, we are here to troll on the viral issue whether it is good or bad. There's no reason for blaming us for the issue. You asked for the video, you watched the video, you masturbated watching the video and lastly, you blamed us.
We've just trolled the issue, we don't have our hand in making the video viral.
And coming to the topic why I deleted all the trolls related to the issue, After my troll on that issue, people were more interested in that topic so before more people get interested on that topic, I deleted the post and there were more than 50+ messages pending in my Facebook about that topic as many people were asking for the video but I denied to share it. And talking about my apology post, it didn't post it for sympathy because the boy and girl are equally responsible for the issue, I posted it so that no one will ask me about that topic again. And if still, you think that's our fault in making the video viral then listen,
बनाउनेलाई लाज भएन
भाइरल बनाउनेलाई लाज भएन
हेरेर १० चाेटि छाेल्नेलाई लाज भएन भने
हामी Troller जस्काे काम नै troll बनाउने हाे, हामीलाई चैं किन गाली गर्छाै?
We are here to make trolls in viral issue whether the issue is good or bad. We have freedom in making trolls and no one has right to blame us. For those who are still texting me for the video, ask for the video and get blocked free.
And last but not the least,
बनाउनेले भिडियाे बनाइसके, भाइरल गर्नेले गरिसके, हेर्निले हेरिसके, छाेल्नेले छाेलिसके अनि Troll बनाउनेले बनाइसके, but now let not share the video. नगर्नु गल्ती गरिसके अब हामीले त्याे issue लाई ठुलाे बनाएर काम छैन ।
And sorry for my explicit language, भावनामा डुबेर लेखेकाे हाे के!😂
If still, it's our(Troller) fault then Congrats you are Certified Nepali भेडा!😂
And never ask me about the topic again.

Monday, October 2, 2017

मेरो जवानी हेर्दा गाह्रो भए टीभी बन्द गर्नुहोस्ः ज्योती मगर

सधै नै चर्चा र विवादमा रहन्छिन्, गायिका ज्योती मगर । गायनको अतिरिक्त मोडलिङमा समेत सक्रिय ज्योतीलाई अश्लिलता फैलाएको आरोप पटक-पटक लाग्ने गरेको छ । तर उनी यस्तो आरोप पटक्कै स्विकार्दिनन् । बरु आफूलाई ‘बोल्ड वुमन’ भन्न रुचाउँछिन् । प्राय म्युजिक भिडियोमा छोटा र पारदर्शी पोशाकमा प्रस्तुत हुने ज्योतिलाई अनलाइनखबरले लगाएका पाँच आरोपः

१. जवानी देखाएकै भरमा करिअर टिकाउनु भएको छ हैन ?
यो बेकारको आरोप हो । मलाई नबुझ्नेहरुले पहिला पनि यसो भन्थे अहिले पनि भन्छन् । छोटो लुगा लगाउँदैमा जवानी देखिने र लामो लुगा लगाउँदैमा जवानी छोपिने हैन । तपाईले देख्नु भएको होला नि सारीमा पनि महिलाको जवानी छताछुल्ल भएको ।
२. स्टेज कार्यक्रममा भल्गर रुपमा प्रस्तुत हुनुहुन्छ, स्वरका भरमा स्टेजमा अफर पाउनुहुन्न हो ?
स्टेज भनेको कानमा एअरफोन लगाएर गीत गाउने ठाउँ होइन । म जाने कार्यक्रममा आउने दर्शकहरु मलाई सुन्न मात्रै हैनन् हेर्न पनि आएका हुन् भन्नेमा म सचेत छु । जब कोही दर्शक टिकट काटेर मेरो गीत सुन्न र मलाई हेर्न आउँछ भने उसलाई मैले प्रफुल्लित बनाएर पठाउनुपर्छ । जहाँसम्म भल्गरको कुरा छ, नबुझ्नेहरुले मात्रै भनेका हुन् । म भल्गर हैन ग्ल्यामरस हुन्छु । मेरो त्यहि ग्ल्यामर दर्शकले मन पराउने गरेका छन् ।
३. गीतका शब्दमा पटक्कै मिहिनेत गर्नुहुन्न ? केवल ड्रेसअपमा ध्यान दिएर चलिन्छ त ?
म आफैंले गाएका पछिल्ला कतिपय गीत मलाई नै चित्त बुझेको छैन । यो साँचो हो । तर, फेरि म आफैं गीतकार हैन । मलाइ जस्तो गीत दिन्छन् त्यस्तै गाउने हो । अर्को कुरा, खै किन हो कुन्नी मैले गाउने भनेपछि गीतकारले पनि रोमान्टिक गीत नै लेख्छन् ।
४. कला क्षेत्रमा विकृति फैलाउदै हुनुहुन्छ । तपाईंको सिको गरेर अरुले पनि छोटो लाउन थालेका छन् ? तपाइले गर्दा लोकगीतमा विकृती नै आयो नी ?
आम्मामा । यो कुरा त कसरी पत्याउनु । ज्योती मगर यो उद्योगमा आउनु भन्दा पहिला नै, छोटा लुगा लगाउने केटीहरु धेरै थिए काठमाडौंमा । अहिले न्युरोड लगायत स्थानका सपिङ मलमा जानुस् त म भन्दा छोटो लुगा लगाएर हिंड्नेहरु कति छन् कति । यो चाँहि पक्का हो, छोटो लगाउने मन भएका तर, हिम्मत नभएकाहरुलाई मैले बाटो बनाइदिएको छु ।
५. ज्योतीको गीत आउँदा टीभी नै बन्द गर्नुपर्ने स्थिती छ, के तपाई परिवारसँग बसेर हेर्न मिल्ने गीत बनाउन सक्नुहुन्न ?
यो त झन् म मान्दै मान्दिन । आजसम्म टीभी नै बन्द गर्नुपर्ने गीत न मैले गाएकी छु न त मोडलिङ नै गरेको छु । तपाईहरुलाई साह्रै गार्‍हो भयो भने नहेर्नुस् । हेर्नैपर्छ भन्ने छैन । तर, मैले तिम्रो गीत आउँदा टीभी बन्द गरे भन्ने मान्छे आजसम्म भेटेको छैन ।
Courtesy: Online Khabar

Friday, September 22, 2017

TOP 10 Countries To Visit According To Travelers

TOP 10 Countries To Visit According To Travelers

10. Ireland - Natural Beauty

Ireland is just amazing, visiting the Emerald Island will make you feel a world away from reality. One of Ireland's most famous attractions, the Mohe cliff rises to a height of 666 feet. On a clear day, the views were huge, the Alan Islands were etched in the waters of Galway Bay. From the edge of the cliff, you can hear the waves hit you on the cliff below. With Western exposure, sunset is the best time to visit - many coaches will also leave.

9. Scotland - Wild Beaches and Craggy Castle

Scotland has a magnificent mountain range, a dazzling bay, and an incredible coastline. Scotland's landscapes and unique geographical location offer an amazing and unique blend of unique and exciting habitat for you to explore. Scotland's first national park, Rocko Locke, and the Troussax National Park provide a haven for people who like walking, wildlife and outdoor activities.

8. Greece - The Greek Island

Greece is a country with such a majestic miracle: every one of the Greek islands has a large number of beautiful beaches. If the beach is not your thing, and you want a city to rest, the Greek capital of Athens has some of the world's most representative buildings. From the Acropolis to enjoy the city's view, the Acropolis is the ancient castle, located in the city above the high rock outcrop.

7. Peru - Take The Enticing Inca Trail

Peru is famous for many things, the most famous is the Inca to Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu is located at an altitude of 2,430 meters in the 15th century Inca site. Most archaeologists believe that Machu Picchu was built for the Inca emperor Pasha Chuti (1438-1472). Machu Picchu's Inca Trail is actually composed of three overlapping trails, Molipata, classic and one day. Mollepata is the longest route in the three routes, the highest mountain line intersects the classic route, and then passes through Warmiwañusqa, meaning "dead woman".

6. South Africa - Enjoy The Safari

South Africa has more than 21 national parks, eight world heritage, original coastline and breathtaking climate, South Africa is guaranteed to provide you with an unforgettable journey and a more memorable experience. South Africa's five major hunting activities are a chance for anyone who is fascinated by wildlife. Bigfoot buffalo, elephant, lion, leopard and rhinoceros, the word comes from being considered the most dangerous prey.

5. Romania - The Castles

The history of Romania is filled with the story of the heroic prince and the ferocious Ottoman empire warrior, the country is the fairy tale castle and the magical miracle of the land. Peleş Castle is a 20-minute walk from the center of Transylvania. The castle consists of a fortress and a grand reception hall: the basic 40-minute journey takes about 10 rooms on the first floor, and the other two are also on the first and second floors.

4. Australia - Stunning Beaches

Australia has a variety of things to see and do. Australia's national park and the vast landscape make it very special. From the Montenegro Peninsula National Park facing the high seas to one of the world's natural wonders of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia's attractions never ended. Australia also offers a range of artificial miracles, including the Sydney Opera House, one of the most beautiful and iconic cities.

3. Iceland - Geologically Diverse

Icelandic volcanoes and geological activities. The country is mainly composed of sandy beaches, lava, mountains, and glaciers. Iceland's different landscapes make it one of the most beautiful countries in the world, as well as the temptation of holidaymakers and travelers. Icelandic tourists can also indulge in Iceland's favorite pastime: Relax and warm, mineral-rich hot springs.

2. Norway - Lights and Laughter

Norway is a paradise for hikers. This country is welcomed by those who want to explore glaciers and fjords or chase the northern lights. From the beginning of August, you will catch the midnight sun, and if lucky, the dance lights show the start of the Aurora Polar Bear.

1. Nepal - The World Hiking Capital

Nepal's natural landscape is the most realistic and beautiful part of the world. Even the best people who travel will be attracted by the magnificent views of Nepal. Nepal is not only the world's hiking capital but also a very cheap country.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

The University of Sydney

From its beginnings in 1850, the University of Sydney was created as an establishment to suit the requirements of recent South Wales, not merely mirror England's ancient universities. A initiationprinciple was that tutorial benefit alone no matter spiritual beliefs or social upbringing would be thetake a look at for admission. we will create a powerful claim to being the primary university within the world to admit male students strictly on the premise of educational benefit. within the Eighteen Eighties we tend to were conjointly among the primary to admit girls on constant basis as men.

These pages offer a quick summary of the history of the University of Sydney and a few of the mainfigures of our history, together with people who studied here and went on to own a serious impactwhen graduating.
The University of Sydney, as a serious publicly-funded establishment, maintains vital relationships with government.

In a advanced and dynamic restrictive surroundings it's important that we've a powerfulcapability to anticipate and reply to changes in government policy.

The central contains a comprehensive policy framework for education and analysis that has the context for our core analysis and teaching activities. we tend to conjointly interact with the officegovernment across a large vary of problems, {as we tend toll|also|additionally|further|furthermore|in addition|likewise|moreover|similarly|still|yet} like regime within the communities that we serve.

This section of our web site provides access to the University's submissions to government and parliamentary enquiries and policy reviews since January 2009. you'll conjointly notice links toalternative sites that contain helpful data regarding Australia's educational activity sector.
Since 2012, Healthy Sydney University has brought workers and students along from across the university to search out ways in which to boost the health and welfare of our community. we tend to take a comprehensive and integrated approach to supporting our workers and students to bethrough attention on healthy consumption, physical activity, and mental welfare.

Healthy Sydney University seeks to support healthy individuals, build healthy places, and buildhealthy policies and practices. we offer little amounts of seed funding to workers and students to implement innovative approaches and concepts that square measure well-read by the foremostrecent proof and analysis.
This section provides non-financial data ready in line with the University's coverage necessitiesunderneath office legislation.

Ranked thirty seventh within the world and systematically within the high 3 universities in Australia, we tend to square measure one among the country’s major research-intensive universities and a member of the celebrated cluster of Eight.

The revered Times educational activity lists US among the highest twenty five universities within the world for arts and social sciences, and therefore the high fifty for engineering and technology.

We offer the widest vary of educational programs of any Australian university and can place youconnected with a world of prospects through our international affiliations, trade and alumni mentoring programs and innovative partnerships.

When you study at the University of Sydney, you’ll be a part of a spirited community of over fifty,000 of the world’s brightest minds, together with quite ten,000 international students from one hundred forty five countries. Ours could be a dynamic, hospitable and exciting surroundings that's reallyinternational in each sense.

We offer the simplest student expertise in Australia, with over two hundred clubs and societies, competitive and social sporting groups, 2 absolutely equipped fitness centres and a dynamic calendar of on field events and celebrations.

Inspiring individuals and prospects square measure yours to get at the University of Sydney.

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

A Brief History of UCLA University of California, la With solely eleven,000 inhabitants in 1880, the pueblo of la convinced the authorities to ascertain a State teachers college in Southern California.ardent voters contributed between $2 and $500 to buy a web site, and on August twenty nine, 1882, the Associate in Nursinggeles|l. a. |la} Branch of the State teachers college welcome its initialstudents in an exceedingly Victorian building that had been erected on the positioning of anplantation. By 1914 la had fully grown to a town of 350,000, and therefore the college moved to new quarters - a Hollywood ranch off a dust road that later became American state Avenue. In 1919,the varsity became the Southern Branch of the University of California and offered 2 years of instruction in Letters and Science. Third- and last courses were before long added; the primarycategory of three hundred students was graduated in 1925, and by 1927 the Southern Branch hadattained its new name: University of California at la. (The name was modified once more in 1958 to college of California, la.) continued growth mandated the choice of a web site that would support a bigger field, and in 1927, ground was tame the chaparral-covered hills of Westwood. The four original buildings - Royce Hall, Powell Library, Haines Hall, and animal scientist Hall - fashioned a lonesome cluster within the middle of four hundred empty acres. The field hosted some five,500 students itsinitial term in 1929. UCLA was quick turning into a full-fledged university providing advanced study in nearly each field.

The Times of London ranks UCLA tenth in its Times educational activity World name Rankings (2014) and twelfth in its the globe University Rankings (2014-15). The name ranking relies on a survey of senior teachers, whereas the globe ranking depends on performance indicators within theareas of teaching, analysis citations, trade financial gain and international outlook.

UCLA additionally ranks twelfth within the tutorial Ranking of World Universities by ShanghaiChinese monetary unit Tong University, supported college publications and citations and therefore the range of alumni and school United Nations agency have won Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals

To satisfy this mission, UCLA is committed to freedom in its fullest terms: we tend to worth open access to data, free and spirited dialogue conducted with mutual respect for people, and freedom from intolerance.all told of our pursuits, we try promptly for excellence and variety, recognizing that openness and inclusion turn out true quality. These values underlie our 3 institutional responsibilities.
Learning and teaching at UCLA ar radio-controlled by the assumption that college boy, graduate and skilled college students and their lecturers belong to a community of students. This communityis devoted to providing students with a foundational understanding of a broad vary of disciplines followed by the chance for in-depth study in an exceedingly chosen discipline. All members of the community ar engaged along in discovering and advancing information and follow. Learninghappens not solely within the room however additionally through engagement in field life and in communities and organizations on the far side the university.
Discovery, power and innovation ar hallmarks of UCLA. jointly of the world's nice analysisuniversities, we tend to ar committed to making sure excellence across a good vary of disciplines, professions and humanities whereas additionally encouraging investigation across disciplinary boundaries. In thus doing, UCLA advances information, addresses pressing social group desiresand creates a university enriched by numerous views wherever all people will flourish