Monday, October 9, 2017

10 Weird Things Most Girls Secretly Do When They’re Alone

How many people do strange things when you are alone? If you do not do that, then when these girls are alone, naked, some of them will secretly do some very strange things. I think this is why many girls do not go to date because they have a better secret to do something. They do not mind doing these strange things alone and naked. So we will reveal some of these strange things, the girls are lonely at home, completely naked.
Here is the list of thing girl do when they are alone or get bored at home.
1. Dancing to the fate of the child and checking yourself in the mirror to see how good their actions are.

2. Pretending to be a stripper in the mirror, to see how hot they seem, and whether they can take it out.

3. Lying on the ground, stretching his legs, showing nude DIY yoga posture.

4. Check the size of the vagina in the mirror to make sure the flaps and the inside are working properly.

5. Let the breasts fall again, wondering if they had been drooping since last year.

6. By staring at every wrinkle and flaws for a few hours, feel anxious about aging.

7. Enjoy watching their nipples from warm to cold, by secretly confused.

Not all girls are made of sugar and spices, everything is fine. We have already believed that women are subtle flowers that need to be handled with great care. Female species should not have bad or lazy days. Everything must be perfect. This may be the reason why women are silent when they refuse to do something when they love others. No one needs to know that everyone likes and does not like a person there. You will not reveal your life in good or bad, ugly, so women do not need to do so.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

What is Gems Kanda? आखिर के हो त Gems काण्ड ??? Gems Kanda !!

This is the screenshot of that video.

These words are from the admin of one of the troll page.

Gems Kanda
-->Two kids make that video while having sex knowing the consequences that if the video got leaked then they will be in a big trouble and sadly the video go viral on the internet. The video got leaked due to their carelessness and before that who said them to make sex video while having sex? Making a video while having sex doesn't give more pleasure. Okay, they made their sex video that's none of our business but they could have kept the video securely? There were many vault apps in which they could keep their video securely. The video got leaked due to their fault and here come the people who make it viral. The could have watched them only. Who said them to share that video? They should have kept the video secretly and here come the people who watched it. Who said them to watch the video? They watched the video masturbated. And lastly, here we come the troller gang, the couples made the video, the people shared the video, the people watched the video and masturbated and when we trolled it they are blaming us for everything that happened.
What the hell?
Why blame us, we are trollers dude, we are here to troll on the viral issue whether it is good or bad. There's no reason for blaming us for the issue. You asked for the video, you watched the video, you masturbated watching the video and lastly, you blamed us.
We've just trolled the issue, we don't have our hand in making the video viral.
And coming to the topic why I deleted all the trolls related to the issue, After my troll on that issue, people were more interested in that topic so before more people get interested on that topic, I deleted the post and there were more than 50+ messages pending in my Facebook about that topic as many people were asking for the video but I denied to share it. And talking about my apology post, it didn't post it for sympathy because the boy and girl are equally responsible for the issue, I posted it so that no one will ask me about that topic again. And if still, you think that's our fault in making the video viral then listen,
बनाउनेलाई लाज भएन
भाइरल बनाउनेलाई लाज भएन
हेरेर १० चाेटि छाेल्नेलाई लाज भएन भने
हामी Troller जस्काे काम नै troll बनाउने हाे, हामीलाई चैं किन गाली गर्छाै?
We are here to make trolls in viral issue whether the issue is good or bad. We have freedom in making trolls and no one has right to blame us. For those who are still texting me for the video, ask for the video and get blocked free.
And last but not the least,
बनाउनेले भिडियाे बनाइसके, भाइरल गर्नेले गरिसके, हेर्निले हेरिसके, छाेल्नेले छाेलिसके अनि Troll बनाउनेले बनाइसके, but now let not share the video. नगर्नु गल्ती गरिसके अब हामीले त्याे issue लाई ठुलाे बनाएर काम छैन ।
And sorry for my explicit language, भावनामा डुबेर लेखेकाे हाे के!😂
If still, it's our(Troller) fault then Congrats you are Certified Nepali भेडा!😂
And never ask me about the topic again.

Monday, October 2, 2017

मेरो जवानी हेर्दा गाह्रो भए टीभी बन्द गर्नुहोस्ः ज्योती मगर

सधै नै चर्चा र विवादमा रहन्छिन्, गायिका ज्योती मगर । गायनको अतिरिक्त मोडलिङमा समेत सक्रिय ज्योतीलाई अश्लिलता फैलाएको आरोप पटक-पटक लाग्ने गरेको छ । तर उनी यस्तो आरोप पटक्कै स्विकार्दिनन् । बरु आफूलाई ‘बोल्ड वुमन’ भन्न रुचाउँछिन् । प्राय म्युजिक भिडियोमा छोटा र पारदर्शी पोशाकमा प्रस्तुत हुने ज्योतिलाई अनलाइनखबरले लगाएका पाँच आरोपः

१. जवानी देखाएकै भरमा करिअर टिकाउनु भएको छ हैन ?
यो बेकारको आरोप हो । मलाई नबुझ्नेहरुले पहिला पनि यसो भन्थे अहिले पनि भन्छन् । छोटो लुगा लगाउँदैमा जवानी देखिने र लामो लुगा लगाउँदैमा जवानी छोपिने हैन । तपाईले देख्नु भएको होला नि सारीमा पनि महिलाको जवानी छताछुल्ल भएको ।
२. स्टेज कार्यक्रममा भल्गर रुपमा प्रस्तुत हुनुहुन्छ, स्वरका भरमा स्टेजमा अफर पाउनुहुन्न हो ?
स्टेज भनेको कानमा एअरफोन लगाएर गीत गाउने ठाउँ होइन । म जाने कार्यक्रममा आउने दर्शकहरु मलाई सुन्न मात्रै हैनन् हेर्न पनि आएका हुन् भन्नेमा म सचेत छु । जब कोही दर्शक टिकट काटेर मेरो गीत सुन्न र मलाई हेर्न आउँछ भने उसलाई मैले प्रफुल्लित बनाएर पठाउनुपर्छ । जहाँसम्म भल्गरको कुरा छ, नबुझ्नेहरुले मात्रै भनेका हुन् । म भल्गर हैन ग्ल्यामरस हुन्छु । मेरो त्यहि ग्ल्यामर दर्शकले मन पराउने गरेका छन् ।
३. गीतका शब्दमा पटक्कै मिहिनेत गर्नुहुन्न ? केवल ड्रेसअपमा ध्यान दिएर चलिन्छ त ?
म आफैंले गाएका पछिल्ला कतिपय गीत मलाई नै चित्त बुझेको छैन । यो साँचो हो । तर, फेरि म आफैं गीतकार हैन । मलाइ जस्तो गीत दिन्छन् त्यस्तै गाउने हो । अर्को कुरा, खै किन हो कुन्नी मैले गाउने भनेपछि गीतकारले पनि रोमान्टिक गीत नै लेख्छन् ।
४. कला क्षेत्रमा विकृति फैलाउदै हुनुहुन्छ । तपाईंको सिको गरेर अरुले पनि छोटो लाउन थालेका छन् ? तपाइले गर्दा लोकगीतमा विकृती नै आयो नी ?
आम्मामा । यो कुरा त कसरी पत्याउनु । ज्योती मगर यो उद्योगमा आउनु भन्दा पहिला नै, छोटा लुगा लगाउने केटीहरु धेरै थिए काठमाडौंमा । अहिले न्युरोड लगायत स्थानका सपिङ मलमा जानुस् त म भन्दा छोटो लुगा लगाएर हिंड्नेहरु कति छन् कति । यो चाँहि पक्का हो, छोटो लगाउने मन भएका तर, हिम्मत नभएकाहरुलाई मैले बाटो बनाइदिएको छु ।
५. ज्योतीको गीत आउँदा टीभी नै बन्द गर्नुपर्ने स्थिती छ, के तपाई परिवारसँग बसेर हेर्न मिल्ने गीत बनाउन सक्नुहुन्न ?
यो त झन् म मान्दै मान्दिन । आजसम्म टीभी नै बन्द गर्नुपर्ने गीत न मैले गाएकी छु न त मोडलिङ नै गरेको छु । तपाईहरुलाई साह्रै गार्‍हो भयो भने नहेर्नुस् । हेर्नैपर्छ भन्ने छैन । तर, मैले तिम्रो गीत आउँदा टीभी बन्द गरे भन्ने मान्छे आजसम्म भेटेको छैन ।
Courtesy: Online Khabar